Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What Allures You ?

Marketers follow various approaches to allure the consumers to their offerings, as the ultimate goal of a marketer is to sell and attain profits. He may lure customers by approach object or avoidance object.

Approach object refers to focus on promotion, wherein marketers try to promote a product on its benefits. On contrary, avoidance approach focuses on prevention, that is, marketers pitch a product on the harms of not using it.

If we see the category of life insurance, this is a category where these conversely different appeals are used by major players. If we see HDFC commercials, they are more based on prevention focus. They highlight the grave consequences of not buying the insurance plan. On the other hand, ICICI uses promotion focus. It pitches the product on benefits (like a tension free life) of buying its plan.

There are brands which even change their focus, as they want to reinforce the consumers over and over again, with a differential stimulus and the difference in these two approaches serve to go beyond what is called Just Noticeable Difference (jnd) .

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