Tata has come up with the cheapest car (in terms of price) of India. There has been a lot of hype surrounding the car, Tata Nano. What can be the possible reasons for such great awareness level for the product, with nil advertsising expense.
Well, Tata's have taken up a great promotional strategy for the product. As the product is cheap, advertising expenses cannot be borne by the company. Company has solely relied on publicity to promote the product.
Now, for an innovative product like Tata Nano, publicity is a great idea as publicity is supposed to come from neutral sources like media which give reviews free form any bias or prejudice. as such, it gives credibility to the product and promotion. Also, company didn't have to make any effort to build awareness to the product and at the same time, need not expend for the purpose. As such, Tata's strategy to promote the product, rather not to promote it (and let media do that) is a smart move.
Also, Tata Nano has been engaged in PR actitivies during unveiling of the product, adressal by the top executives of the company. The product has also been displayed at Tata's retail outlets like Croma and Westside.
In a nutshell, promotion is the least expended area for Nano, with great awareness and visibility to the product.
The company is not totally dependable on PR or Publicity for its promotional activities.its very premature to give the comment on the issue,as the production level is limited to this year before its fullfledged operating plant setup in Gujrat.so,they are mainly concentrated in creating awareness and financial help to those who have dream to own a car.
while my internship with TATA MOTORS, i had seen them planning all promotional activities like TVads ,print ads,radio jingles etc in their schedule for NANO.SO, JUST WAIT AND WATCH.
Well,I just talked about the way Tata Nano built up on awareness and visibility. Despite zero advertising expense, it has succeeded in doing so.
Whatever comes next can only be speculated, but can't be ascertained. Hope you got the essence of this post.
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