What do you think the marketers do? Do they dream to achieve their targets or do they work to reach their goal? Before moving ahead in this context, let’s first learn the difference between dreams and goals. Well, dreams require effortless sleep and goals require sleepless effort.
I hope the answer to my former question is simple now. Marketers can’t afford to dream about reaching their targets. They have to aim high and work towards their goals.
What is the reason for marketers’ existence? Well, the ultimate aim of any business is to make profit, which is directly related to sales as sales means oxygen for all organizations. Now, how do we achieve sales? Well, a company can sell its products and services to the masses only by attracting them towards their offering, making them purchase and then retain them and compel them to repurchase. In short, a company can achieve sales by converting customers to consumers. Now, the function of marketing is closest to consumers. As such, a marketer is the one who connect with the consumers, leading to sales.
In the current competitive scenario, consumers are very demanding, making a marketer’s job much tougher. As such, marketers must have fire in the belly, always on toes to identify and grab the upcoming opportunities, in order to reach their goal. Dreaming may catalyze the urge to reach goal, but ultimately it is the achievement of target or goal that counts for a marketer.
In short … “Great marketers of the future will not be measured by how well they tell stories to their audience, but rather by how well their audience tells stories about them.” -Tim Smith
Great job Lavika.
I would say that the point to remember about selling things is that,to create atmosphere and excitement around your products. you've got to know what you're selling.
A market is never saturated with a good product, but it is very quickly saturated with a bad one.
Thanks a lot Priyanka.
You are very correct in saying that the markets are never saturated with a good product, but they very quickly saturate with a bad one.
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