Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Indian KNOT

Today I came across a web site, very popular in the West. It is called THE KNOT. It is a site that helps you plan your wedding, choose your wedding gowns and accessories from a wide assortment and in a nutshell, you get advice on what we call the institution of marriage. The Knot has its sister concerns named The Nest and The Bump. So, what do you think of this web site and the business concept? Well, I don't think I need to speak on the Knot as a business concept as its success says it all. The knot is a brialliant example of experiential branding which keeps the customers engaged and gives them a life time time experience.

Well, quite fascinated by this web service, I was just wondering whether such a concept would work for Indian consumers. How about Indian version of The Knot, say Bandhan.com? Well, this concept is too stingy for Indians. Here, the couples do not have the luxury of planning their own wedding. In India, the influence of socio coultural environment, particularly family is so high that they make all decisions on wedding related issues. As such, couples have no say in the matter. As such, Indian version of Knot may not work as then, the target audience, that is the couples, do not have much role in deciding on wedding related matters.

There is an alternative to this. The target audience can be the members of socio cultural environment of the couples. As such, family and friends of couples must be targeted. There must also be some alterations in the product offerings like there can be provision of advice on wedding arrangements, suggestion on gifts for the couple, etc. This strategy may work as a lucrative business proposition. Wat say?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent Analysis. :)

You could probably give this idea to some one who wants to start something of his own.:). Definitely going to work sooner or later.

But lavika, Indian version of "THE KNOT", so called "THE Bandhan" might also work well as things have pretty much change in India too and are still changing at even faster rate. Don't you think so?