Monday, April 6, 2009

Whats So Peculiar ?

Consumer behavior is a highly analytical subject, with great scope of research. There is a scope of research in every aspect of behavior shown by consumers.

Well, consumers do behave in a peculiar fashion quite a number of times. In my last assignment on consumer behavior (CB), we had to take up an irrational behavior depicted by consumers, and then work backwards to relate the behavior to theories of CB. I took up the behavior of obsessed investors as my topic of research.

The interesting part is the speculation of my classmate on the pecularity of the respective behavior. He wasn't convinced with the behavior we took up as being peculiar. Then we came up with discussion on the parameters on which we call a behavior as strange and erratic. One criteria was that a peculiar behavior is uncommon in terms of frequency and number of people doing it.

Other argument was that a behavior though shown by majority, may be called peculiar. For eg: people are fussy about paying ten extra bucks to a cab-driver, while same majority may give money as tips in restaurants. This behavior though depicted by a lot of people, yet is peculiar.

So, the criteria of peculiar behavior can be:
1. A behavior that is shown by few people, that is, a behavior that is uncommon
2. A behavior that shows two converse and contrasting reactions in different situations, or that shows lack of uniformity in different situations.

This is a great area of research. There are no right and wrong here, but there can be multiple answers.  

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