Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sense the Brands

We have five senses to sense varied stimuli and the sixth sense is the common sense. Well, it is really important for marketers to first connect their brands to consumers' five senses and may then tap in consumers' sixth sense.

I came across a book named Brand Sense by Martin Lindstorm which talks on the same. It says that it is very essential for marketers to connect their brands with various senses of consumers including sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. By doing so, marketers can integrate their brands with the sensory receptors of consumers, leading to penchant towards their brands, compared to those of competitors.

Well, it is really difficult to connect to all senses of consumers, but a few senses can definitely be tapped in under the process called Brand Sense. I feel that once you link your brand with any of these physiological senses, it automatically gets linked to the sixth sense of consumers.

I will write on integration of each of these senses to brands in my subsequent posts.

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